月別アーカイブ: 9月 2019


今日の給食は、ごはん、牛乳、コロッケ、きんぴらごぼう、野菜たっぷりみそ汁 でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。

ALT Report: Track & Field (September 27, 2019)

Hello again, everyone! Did you enjoy the school Sports Day yesterday?

Well, in my home country, junior high school students enjoy a sports day too – but the name and events are just a little different.

In Canada and the U.S., instead of calling these events “sports days” we call them “track meets.” Most schools in these countries have at least one track meet every year, with many different events for the students to participate in. Like in Japan, there are running events and relay races, but there are also many different activities that aren’t in Japanese sports days. Hurdles (like in the picture above) are one of these. The high jump and long jump, as well.

There are also competitions for throwing objects, like the shot put (a heavy ball), discus and javelin throws. My mother used to do the shot put in her school’s track meets – she was very strong back then!

This has been the ALT Report, thank you for reading and come back next week for more.

-Devon (Kasachu ALT)


今日の給食は、アップルパン、牛乳、ちゃんぽんラーメン、煮卵、かみかみサラダ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。


今日の給食は、ごはん、牛乳、麻婆豆腐、えのき茸と卵のスープ、梨 でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。










































































































































今日の給食は、ココアパン、牛乳、八百屋スパゲティ、ごぼうサラダ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。

ALT Report: September Holidays (September 17, 2019)

Hello again, everyone! Did you enjoy your Monday holiday? In Japan, there are two holidays in September – the third Monday of the month is called “Respect for the Aged Day” in English, and then there is the Autumn Equinox Day – which is on September 22 some years, and September 23 in others. But in Canada, we do not celebrate these days! Instead, in Canada and the United States, we have what we call “Labor Day.”

Now, you might ask, what is Labor Day?

Labor Day is a day for the workers, a day of rest to thank them for their hard work in the rest of the year. It is also a popular day for celebrations, with many events celebrating Labor Day – especially in sports, with the NCAA (National College Athletics Association) in particular starting their football season with games on Labor Day.

There used to be a belief that it was wrong to wear white after Labor Day, too. Do you think people shouldn’t wear white in fall and winter? Some Americans still do!

This has been the ALT report, thank you for reading and come back next week for more.

-Devon (Kasachu ALT)