年別アーカイブ: 2020


今日の給食【3年1組リクエスト】は、ごはん、のりふりかけ、牛乳、鶏の唐揚げ、海藻サラダ、豚汁、ヨーグルト でした。




ALT Report: Kasachu Introductions (January 23, 2020)

Hello, everyone. The first-year students at Kasachu wrote introductions for our school this month. I chose the best introduction from each class, now you can enjoy reading them all here.

Class 1-1, No. 12, Kobayashi Ayana

Welcome to Kasakake junior high school!!

Our school is in Midori city, Gunma.

It is 73 years old.

We have about 500 students and 40 teachers.

We have our chorus contest in October.

We practice every day.

It’s difficult, but it’s also fun.


Class 1-2, No. 9, Kawakami Yurina

Welcome to Kasakake junior high school!

Our school is in Midori City, Gunma.

It is 73 years old.

We have about 500 students and 40 teachers.

We have our chorus contest in October.

We practice very hard because we want first prize.

It’s very interesting.


Class 1-3, No. 17, Tayano Koko

Welcome to Kasakake junior high school!!

Our school is in Midori city, Gunma.

It is 73 years old.

We have about 500 students.

We also have 15 classes.

We have our sports day in September.

We practice very hard.

It’s very fun.


Class 1-4, No. 17, Takakusagi Kaede

Welcome to Kasakake junior high school!!!

Our school is in Midori city, Gunma.

It is 73 years old.

We have about 500 students.

We have sports day in September.

We enjoy it every year.

We love our sports day.

We love our school.


Class 1-5, No. 14, Takakusagi Yuno

Welcome to Kasakake junior high school!

Our school is in Midori city, Gunma.

It is 73 years old.

We have about 500 students.

We also have about 40 teachers.

We also have 15 classes.

We have our sports day in September.

We practice every day for the sports day.

It’s hard & different, but it’s interesting & fun.


I hope you enjoyed reading everyone’s school introductions. Many students love our school.

-Devon (Kasachu ALT)


今日の給食は、ごはん、牛乳、さばのみそ煮、切り干し大根の炒め煮、けんちん汁 でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      



今日の給食は、チョコチップパン、牛乳、ミートソーススパゲティ、小松菜サラダ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。




今日の給食は、黒パン、牛乳、チキンのトマト煮、カラフルサラダ、グレープフルーツ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。


今日の給食【3年2組リクエスト】は、ごはん、牛乳、白身魚フライ、大根サラダ、豆腐とわかめのみそ汁、冷凍パイン でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。


今日の給食は、ごはん、牛乳、ビビンバ(肉みそ・大根キムチ・ナムル)、トックスープ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。

ALT Report: Winter Vacation (January 15, 2020)

Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a good winter vacation. For today’s ALT Report, I will talk about my vacation.

This winter, I went to the Philippines to be with my wife and son. Here is a picture of me and my son Alejo on the beach. He is one year old now.

This family picture with my wife and son was from the Silonay Mangrove Conservation area. The Silonay Mangrove Conservation area is very important for nature in the Philippines. It has won many international awards for helping with local fish and wildlife. You can see many kinds of animals there.

Alejo loved his Christmas presents. He is a very happy baby.

What did you do for winter vacation? I hope you all did something fun and interesting.

-Devon (Kasachu ALT)


今日の給食は、きなこ揚げパン、牛乳、チーズサラダ、ワンタンスープ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。