月別アーカイブ: 12月 2019

ALT Report: Lucky Charms (December 13, 2019)

All cultures have things they think are “lucky” and “unlucky.” In Japan, for example, the number 7 is lucky and 4 is unlucky. The date of Friday the 13th, in English-speaking countries, is an unlucky day. But what else has good and bad luck? Let’s look at some things.

Good luck: Horseshoes

If you put a horseshoe above your door, it will bring in good luck.

Bad luck: Black cats

If a black cat walks in front of you, it means bad luck.

Good luck: Four-leaf clover

If you find a clover with four leaves, it means very good luck!

Bad luck: Breaking a mirror

If you break a mirror, you will get bad luck for 7 years! Please don’t break a mirror.

Maybe these things don’t bring good or bad luck, really. But it’s interesting to think about.

This has been the ALT Report, thank you for reading.

-Devon (Kasachu ALT)


今日の給食は、ごはん、八宝菜、杏仁フルーツ、わかめスープ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。


今日の給食は、こぎつねごはん、牛乳、肉団子、田舎汁、みかん でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。


今日の給食は、チリドック(背割りコッペパン、ロングウインナー、チリソース)、牛乳、白菜のクリーム煮 でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。


今日の給食は、ごはん、牛乳、さばの味噌煮、切り干し大根の炒め煮、かき玉汁 でした。 おいしい給食をありがとうございました。



今日の給食は、パーカーハウス、牛乳、チキンカツor白身魚フライ(セレクト給食)、コーンサラダ、ラピオリスープ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。

ALT Report: A Favorite Writer (December 6, 2019)

Do you like to read books? I like to read books very much. Today I want to talk about a favorite writer of mine, Stephen King.

Recently, Stephen King is very popular in America. He has written 61 novels, 11 short story collections and five nonfiction books. That’s a lot of writing! This year, four of his books became movies: Pet Sematary, It Chapter TwoIn the Tall Grass and Doctor SleepDoctor Sleep is actually in theaters right now.

Stephen King writes many kinds of books, but he is called a “master of horror” because most of his books are horror novels. His stories usually are about people with special powers. In Carrie, a girl can move things with her mind. In the Shining, the Dead Zone and others, people can see the future. In Firestarter, a girl can make fire with her mind. It’s very interesting.

If you like stories about monsters, special powers and interesting things, you should try to read some Stephen King books. All his books are translated into Japanese. My favorite is the Shining, which also has a very good movie directed by Stanley Kubrick.

This has been the ALT Report, come back soon for more.

-Devon, Kasachu ALT


今日の給食は、ごはん、牛乳、いわしのごま味噌煮、ひじきの炒め物、けんちん汁 でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。


今日の給食は、ごはん、牛乳、豚肉のキムチ炒め、ポークシュウマイ、豆腐のとろみスープ でした。おいしい給食をありがとうございました。

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学校通信 笠懸野 第11号を配布しました。あわせて本校のWebページの「配布文書」に掲載しました。第10号はここをクリックしていただければご覧いただけます。